Cakes! Cakes! Cakes!

Created by Pauline 2 years ago

On numerous occasions Estelle would bring over one of her delicious home-baked cakes.

On one occasion she brought over a huge date & walnut cake. Our auntie & uncle were visiting at the time and Estelle joined us, even though she'd never met them before. With Estelle's natural friendliness & warmth, it was not long before everyone was having a good natter over yummy cake & tea. 

When it came to the end of the day I, although reluctantly, felt it polite to offer auntie & uncle some walnut cake to go, seeing as they had enjoyed it so much & were full of compliments for the cake. And can you believe it? They said yes!

Estelle has taught me that caring is sharing & I know I should take a leaf from her book. But really? Do I really have to share cake? Surely cake is an exception? Clearly I still have a lot to learn from Estelle!

Will miss you ever so dearly & will miss our chats over cakes.

Lots of love, Pauline xx